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The Magnificent place of Green Paradise ~

Assam – A land nestled in myths and mysteries, lores and legends. Assam is almost another world, the Eastern Sentinel 

the coloured wonderland of India. The word Assam is derived from the Sanskrit word “Asom” which means “peerless” is one of the 28th States of Indian Unions known as the land of Red River, the great Shiva Temple on the Peacock Island in the middle of Brahmaputra and the Blue Hills. Assam, the mystic land of tea is the gateway to the North East attracted the tourist for its exceptional lofty green hills, lush green forest, boundless rolling plains and variety of wildlife where the tourist can enjoy. Assam is famous for its exquisite silks & products made out of Bamboo & cane. The main festivals are Majuli Festival & Elephant Festival. 

The capital, Guwahati, of north-eastern India’s largest state, lies on the banks of Brahmhaputra. It is a magnificent place of Green Paradise. Assam was also known for its Sal tree forests products. Assam is land of high rainfall, endowed with a lush greenery & the mighty river Brahmhaputra, whose tributaries & oxbow lakes provide the region with a unique appreciation of beauty.

Gateway to North-East India is the City of Guwahati. To get There -

  • By Air : LGB International Airport (Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport at Borjhar, about 20 km west of the center of the city) is conveniently connected to all major cities of India. With daily three flights to Delhi and five to Kolkata and weekly flight to Bangkok with connecting flights to rest of the world.
  • By Train : Guwahati Railway station is the Hub all Train services. It is connected to rest of India with convenient train connections.
  • By Road : Guwahati is connected with all other state capitals of North-East India through a network of government and private luxury buses, which are perhaps the best in the country.


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